This applies to PSYC in federation, not to PSYC2.


Just a word to describe everything reachable by PSYC protocol.

That is the space of people, rooms and services that can be reached with a psyc: prefixed uniform. Once you enter PSYCspace, everyone in here is one click away. Also all other protocols, which are addressable from PSYC are logically part of PSYCspace. This counts primarily for everything Jabber, so in a way Jabberspace is a subset of PSYCspace.

In contrast, an IRC network can under normal circumstances not communicate with entities on an other IRC network, so there is no such thing as a common IRCspace. psyced however provides for some gateways which help integrate IRC networks into PSYCspace. If all IRC networks were connected to PSYC this would effectively result in a common IRCspace implemented via PSYC. Neat.

More subsets of PSYCspace are defined:

  • Friendspace is the trust network of your friends and friends of friends willing to interact with you because you are somebody's friend. See also Friendivity.
  • Nickspace: Your personal view on PSYCspace.

In a future idealistic world, a PSYC daemon should be running on almost every unix system providing messaging functions down to systems monitoring, so PSYCspace would essentially be equivalent to a large part of the Internet. This is a worthwhile goal as it actually would do the Internet some good, but feel free to think some other technology could do that job.

Topologic foobar

If we look at the pure PSYCspace and ask ourself how the rest of PSYCspace is in connection with it, we see that Jabberspace is the only subset of PSYCspace that is not transversal to pure PSYCspace. It is however a little tricky to talk about transversality in vector spaces of discrete sets in the sense that we cannot think of server/user namespaces as smooth manifolds in PSYCspace. Therefore transversality is simply undefined (at least in the theory of differential manifolds). We should therefore expand the definition of server/user namespaces in PSYC to derive a more general theory in which the particularly beautiful topological (and analytical) results for manifolds as subsets of real/complex spaces can be used. Some of these could be:

  • friendship relationships as differential vector fields on namespaces leading to effective calculations due to Stokes rule (would be Gauss in 3d - but namespaces are in general certainly not 3d)
  • construct a global friendship function as a smooth hyperplane F in global PSYCspace as the solution to grad F = \vec{f} where \vec{f}(p) is the friendship relation towards p where p is a vector in PSYCspace. One problem to solve would be the possible asymmetry in friendships (F in general not existing). The gradient would naturally be defined as the derivative in real space of F mapped with the coordinate functions of PSYCspace (not proven to be existing at all).
  • do we need monopoles (vector field with sinks) in PSYCspace. If yes we would need an infinite PSYCspace.

<lynX> should we ever need scientific backing for the way the PSYC protocol operates i know whom to turn to  :°)


01:45 <el> psyc space is so boring. especially at 2 am

... of the 2nd day of xmas  ;)