Nemesis, a MUD world in LPC.

            ________________    North Pole    ________________
         __/ \__---___--~~~-\__            __/    ~~~---__/   \__
       _/  __ /~Norstroe   Tarsis        _/ __                   \_
      /  /~_//|\_~|   /~|        \      / _|  Orchland             \
     /  ~-/ /~  |/    ~~          \    / /  __--~~                  \
    /       |\                     \  / |  /    __    /~\            \
   /  Fiskoe ~       ______         \/  / /    /_/ _-~ _/  /~\/~|     \
  /           _/~\  /      \___         |/   Crys  Furba   \_Koa \     \
 |   _-_     /Plane |          \__      ~   __    /_-~    _   \_/      _|
 |   \_/     \ Land / Nemesia  _-~      Turba |   ~      / \--_       |/|
 |_ . . . . . ~--~~.\  .  _   / . . . . . |_-~ . . . . .Ennoxar| . .  _/|
 |_~|                \    \~\/                          \   __/    _  \/|
 | ~                  \   /             /~~\__--_        |-~ __--~~/    |
 |  _                  \ /              \_Morafeh\  _       /    _/     |
  \~_| /~_           _/~ \                ~-____/~ / ~/   Vycan /      /
   \  |_ / _         ~\   |         /\            / Garham  /   ~|    /
Bhalabu \ /_\          ~\/         /  \           ~-~     _ ~~--_/   /
     \~|  ~            _/\   __   /    \                  \~/       /
      \                \ /   \/  /      \           Cangru`\|      /
       ~\          Malrigor    /~        ~\                 ~    /~
         ~~\   ____----__   /~~            ~~\    __/~~---__  /~~
            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    South Pole    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                        This is a list of all ships:
The Princess of the Seas    : Nemesia - Garham - Morafeh
The Schooner 'Sprayweaver'  : Isle of Crystal - Morafeh - Orchland
The Haegar Memorial Galley  : Orchland - Tarsis - Norstroe
The Queen of the Seas       : Morafeh - Garham - Nemesia
The Junk Whuanghong         : Garham - Ennoxar - Planeland
The Malrigor Freighter      : Waste Harbour - Malrigor Harbour
The Bounty                  : Garham - Cangruh              
The Trawler                 : West Harbour - Planeland - Bhalabu 
The Sloop 'John B.'         : Cangruh - West Harbour - Bhalabu
The Leif Erikson Drakkar    : West Harbour - Planeland - Norstroe
The Iceworld Express        : Isle of Crystal - Koa - Penguin - Norstroe
The Majestic Galleon        : Orchland - Norstroe - Tarsis          
The Brigantine 'Rising Sun' : Planeland - Koa

View of Garham:

               /  {%{%}%}{%}             _____            _____
              / {%{%}(%}%}|      ~     /_____/|    /    /_____/|      / ;; ; ;;
            / {%{%){%}| |    ~     ~  |  o  | |  /     | o o | |  ~ / ;; ;;  ;;
           / {%}%}%}|    ~      ~  ___;_____|/ /    ___;_____|/   / ;; ;;  ;; ;
          /   | | |    ~   ~     /     /|    /    / ^   /|  ~   /_;_;_;;_;_;;__
   |)     |   ~     ~,---------------/o |  /    /-----/  | _____ ~    ______
 __|)__   /     ~   /______________/ | / /    /_____/ | //____ /|   /_____ /|
 \____/  /   ~     | # # #  # # # |  / /     | o   |  / |  o  | |  | o  o | | ~
        /      ~   |__#___________|/ /     / |__[]_|/   |_[|]_|/   |__[]__|/
      /-----------------------------    _____---------------------------------
             _____     _____        (O/____ /|
  /--------/_____/|--/_____/|---     | o o | |---------___ ------___ -------
/ ~     ~ |  [] | | |  [] | |  /     |_____|/|    ~  /___/|___ /___/|
~    ~    |_____|/  |_____|/ /     / |_____|/  ~   _|_ _|/   _|_  | |   ~
   ~   ~ o@@.    _____     /     //---------/    /__ /|  ^^/___/|/  |       ~
~   o@@.  '`   /_____/|  /     //         /  ~  |   |/_____|  |    / ~  ~
  ~  '`  .@@o |_____|/ /     //---------/ ~   ~ |             |  /
  .@@o o@@'`          ~~~~~~~    ~   ~     ~    |_____###_____|/     ~    ~
~  '`   '`     ~       ~      ~        ~     ~                   ~

See also: Timeline.