(PSYC) Software
- Screen snapshots - Many ways to look at PSYC.
- psyced - PSYC-enhanced multicasting chat and multi-protocol messaging daemon (more info).
- Dyskinesia - An open-source PSYC client written in C++. It can be compiled in GNU/Linux or MS Windows.
- perlpsyc - Generic PSYC library for perl, also contains:
- git2psyc - report changes to a GIT tree into a developer chatroom
- psycfilemonitor - report alterations to the file system in realtime
- psycion - amazing console psyc client!
- psycmp3 - console mp3 player with PSYC notification and remote control
- syslog2psyc - daemon that receives events from syslog and forwards to psyc
- Irssyc - irssi plugins and derivates.
- psycd - new C daemon using libpsyc and GNUnet, essence of secure share.
- PsycZilla (beta) - XUL/javascript client & Social Network browser.
- PSYC realtime notification from PHP apps:
- wikinotify - psycnotify.php extension for MediaWiki - how to make it report changes to a chatroom. nice example on how utterly easy it can be to integrate something into PSYC.
- psycnotify.module for the Drupal CMS
- PSYC syndication for phpbb.
- psycmail - little C application which parses a mail header as provided by a .forward or .procmailrc, then creates a realtime notification of incoming email. also available as patch to psycify procmail natively.
- pikepsyc is a PSYC framework in pike.
- pypsyc - python library with experimental clients.
- Saikound - A psyc 1.0 server written in D.
- You can even look into various orphaned projects, most notably
- Ideas for software projects you could be looking into.