catch me at psyc://

i don't like when software thinks it can change my case.. i'm not Lynx.. that's 15 years ago.. i am lynX now.

i also find it stressful, when people get fond of things i did in a certain way a long long time ago and get unhappy when i decide to finally fix those things, or just change my mind on them... Die Geister die ich rief.., but i guess that's the way of open source and other things, too.

... and the promise holds true that one day psycion will be my primary client, unless I get PsycZilla to run in screen(1). Haha.. ;)
<Monkey> Actually, PsycZilla could run in screen, at least theoretically. It is made possible by tamarin, spidermonkey or even rhino.
hmm, i have a new requirement.. i need those clients to handle OTR.

lynX likes to make statements which are slightly overblown, stagy and just a little bit simplifying reality. He loves to feed the urge in his readers to make No you're wrong! It's really like <go all into details> comments. Some call that style imprecise and propagandistic, some others call it Journalism!

I also tend to make strong statements, not always considering all factors even though I do know them somewhere in my mind - not always in the right place at hand... A habit that doesn't necessarily characterize stupidity I hope however. Here's a similar statement from somebody else:

Linus: I like making strong statements, because I find the discussion interesting. In other words, I actually tend to 'like' arguing. Not mindlessly, but I certainly tend to prefer the discussion a bit more heated, and not just entirely platonic. And making strong arguments occasionally ends up resulting in a very valid rebuttal, and then I'll happily say: "Oh, ok, you're right."

Yes, the last part is valid too, but if your arguments just do not get better over time and unterstanding, you cannot expect that moment to arrive - try a different issue then..  ;)


Historic Useless Stuff


Elsewhere deepthought cited:

 LynX: Unit of network load on irc. The maximum load is LynX 10.
 Normal load is LynX 8. The lag (time between send and return of
 answer) is LAG = MIT / (1 - log10(LynX)). MIT = Mean Idle Time
 of the answering human. Slight nodification of this law are
 valid for communication with bots or communication on MUDs by
 substitution of MIT with BIT (Bot Idle Time) or NULL (Nova User
 Load Level).

Laut BuGless spricht man uebrigens routing ruuting aus und aliases aehliases. Rauting ist texanisch und Aleih-ases ist deutscher-denkt-sich-wie-man-aliases-wohl-ausspricht.

Alles mit der Ruhe.. die Zeit der Gurus wird kommen.  :)

... psycy /away for ircII ...

Und dann war da noch in ...

Woran erkennt man den MUFF (Maus-Und-Fenster-Fummler) in der Kneipe?
Nur er versucht mit der rechten Hand auf der Zigarettenschachtel die Bedienung anzuklicken.
P.S. Besonderen Dank fuer Inspiration an WaZ.  :)
Mein erster Unix Befehl
.. war 'ls -lR / | more'
Ich wollte Unix halt eben gruendlich erforschen, und beim Filesystem faengt man an.. Den Befehl hatte ich aus einem Buch der Bibliothek.  :)
Ich habe mir dann tatsaechlich alles durchgeblaettert, allerdings hauptsaechlich nur die Pfade beachtet und aufgeschrieben, wo was liegt...
Und bei den alten kleinen SysV-R2 Kisten war das gar nicht mal allzuviel.

grep -ri lynx ircII-sources


  • Added 'signoff reason' to signoff message (the notorious QUIT message).
  • Added CTCP ACTION handling.
    • Added commands /me and /describe to produce ACTION messages.
    • Added oneself's nickname as command alias for /me. "/lynx smiles."
  • Added /whois <server> <nick>[,<nick2>..] format to /whois command.
  • Added COMMAND_MODE and scripting syntax: Commands are not expected to have a leading / unless entered interactively.
    • Added ';' handling: In ALIASes, ONs and BINDs it is legal to use ; as command seperator
    • Added the commands '<text> and :<text> which only work in COMMAND_MODE and act like /send and /me respectively. This is a MUD standard.
    • Added support for { } constructs in scripts and indentation. The contents of an alias can now be surrounded by '{' and '}' and broken over multiple lines. See script/finger for an example.
  • Added underlining with put_it-code ^V.
  • Added SHOW_AWAY_ONCE: If you have SHOW_AWAY_ONCE on, away messages are remembered and only displayed when they change.
  • Added VERBOSE_CTCP: Notification of the receipt of a CTCP request no longer occurs unless VERBOSE_CTCP is on.

Chat is less flame-prone..?

I once wrote

Wart! Wart! Das ist alles nicht so schlimm wie es sich liest. Es liegt in der Natur des Mediums, daß man die Gesichter zu den Aussagen nicht sieht, daß man Aussagen in den falschen Hals kriegt, daß man dazu tendiert überzureagieren.

Das ganze Netzwerk ist voll damit. Aber dennoch sind das alles relativ vernünftige Leute. Säßen sie an einem Konferenztisch, oder gar in einer Kneipe würden sich die Probleme viel schneller und gezielter lösen lassen.

Ja sogar auf IRC sind solche Sachen besser ausdiskutiert, da man schneller die Reaktion des anderen erhält und dadurch falsche Formulierungen vorbeugt und Mißverständisse schneller bereinigt.

Auf IRC gibt es selten Flamewars. Man hört einfach mehr aufeinander, und es ist mehr Kommunikation und weniger Aneinander-Vorbeireden. Manche Leute sagen IRC sei ne Spielerei, aber was sachliche Diskussionen betrifft ist es (die realtime konferenzschaltung an sich) das beste Medium, welches das Internet zu bieten hat.

Also nimm's nicht tragisch. Ich überspringe die Flames in Postings immer. Die sind doch nur für Flame-Ästheten interessant.  :) Und sie gehören zum Medium News/Mail dazu, unvermeidbar.

Things people say, then they go away

elmex spritzt: ich publishe source erst wenn ich bereit bin ihn zu maintainen
elmex spritzt: momentan isses nur proof-of-concept

LPmud (precursor of ldmud) was published as a proof-of-concept. "Look, why don't we do MUDs something like this?" I don't think Lars Pensjö was thinking of maintaining it. Wasn't it the same story with Linus and Linux?

  • testing a bit

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress

Some imperfectionisms: packete, dierekt, waehre, entitiy.